Public DiscordDownload a playable demo (v6)
- Fully networked
- Male and female customizable characters
- 16 hairstyles, 4 beards
- 44 tintable clothes meshes
- Characters use the UE5 skeleton and are shaped to the exact proportions of the MetaHuman tall/normalweight presets, meaning Character Customizer clothes can be used for MetaHumans and vice versa
- Custom MetaHumans can be added to the menu (only certain customization options will be available)
- ARKit compatible facial animation morph targets
- Viseme lipsync blendshapes (OVR standard)
- Easy random NPC generation
- Crowd spawning and optimization system, enabling large crowds of fully featured characters with reasonable performance
5.1+: Version 6
4.26-5.0: Version 5
4.25 and prior: Version 4
Technical Details
- Fully networked
- Male and female customizable characters
- 16 hairstyles, 4 beards
- 44 tintable clothes meshes
- Characters use the UE5 skeleton and are shaped to the exact proportions of the MetaHuman tall/normalweight presets, meaning Character Customizer clothes can be used for MetaHumans and vice versa
- Custom MetaHumans can be added to the menu (only some customization options are available for MetaHumans)
- ARKit compatible facial animation morph targets
- Viseme lipsync blendshapes (OVR standard)
- Easy random NPC generation
- Crowd spawning and optimization system, enabling large crowds of fully featured characters with reasonable performance
Rigged: Yes
Animations: Movement, sitting, hit react, various idle poses
Vertex Counts of Characters: 72525 triangles with 5 LODs (100% to 5% triangles)
Texture Resolutions: 512×512 – 4096×4096
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Platforms Tested: PC
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