Action Slicing

VIDEO:Spotlight Video – Preview + Tutorial

WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE THIS PLUGIN?It does not require preparing the slices as static meshes – the resulting slices are generated dynamically at runtime. This means, that when a skeletal mesh gets sliced – at this moment its animation gets paused, and the skeletal mesh gets converted to static mesh. At this point, the static mesh gets converted to a procedural mesh, which gets sliced into 2 pieces (all of this happens in the backend – you just call one blueprint function in order to execute this functionality).

WHAT CAN IT BE USED FOR?Action Slicing is a solid choice when you need to implement slicing in low to mid-poly projects. For high-poly projects: keep in mind that slicing high-poly skeletal meshes at runtime will be costly. There is an optimization in place, which will dynamically swap the high poly mesh with a less complex LOD version (if it exists) – which will result in lower quality slices, so just be aware of that. I highly suggest watching the spotlight video and/or looking at the screenshots – you will notice this. That being said – any project where you want to slice through walls, chests, robots, or any other static/skeletal meshes – Action Slicing might be just what you need.

Technical Details


  •  Slicing skeletal meshes
  •  Slicing static meshes
  •  Example material-based visual effect on created slices

Code Modules:

  •  ActionSlicing (type: Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: 5

Number of C++ Classes: 8

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Android, Linux

Documentation: Spotlight Video – Preview + Tutorial

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